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No 20 - Flowing with Nature: How to Align Your Energy Levels with Seasonal Changes

Updated: Jan 10

Just as nature moves through cycles of growth, bloom, decay, and rest, so do our creative energies. When we align with these natural cycles, our art becomes a reflection of the earth’s flow, allowing us to connect more deeply with both our environment and our inner selves.

Spring: Renewal and Growth Spring is a time of awakening, full of fresh possibilities and new beginnings. As flowers bloom and life returns, our energy often mirrors this sense of renewal. It's the perfect season for setting intentions and exploring new ideas in our artwork. Just as the earth is fertile and ready to grow, we too can use this time to experiment and allow our creativity to burst forth.

Summer: Flourishing and Abundance The energy of summer is vibrant and full of life. The longer days and warmth encourage us to engage in more active, expressive, and bold art-making. This is a time to embrace the fullness of our creative potential, to expand on the seeds planted in spring, and to bring our artistic visions into full bloom. Art created in summer often feels radiant, energized, and full of joy.

Autumn: Harvest and Reflection Autumn invites us to slow down and reflect on the abundance we have created. It’s a season of harvesting ideas and refining our craft. As the leaves change colour and fall, we are reminded to let go of what no longer serves us and focus on what is most meaningful in our art practice. This is a wonderful time to revisit projects, refine details, and appreciate the beauty of what we’ve accomplished.

Winter: Rest and Introspection Winter brings a natural slowing down, and with it, the opportunity for rest and introspection. The quiet, reflective energy of winter supports contemplation, deeper creative work, and planning for the future. Though it may seem like a dormant period, this season holds space for gathering inspiration, recharging, and preparing for the creative bursts that will come with spring.

Embracing the Cycles By honouring the natural cycles of the seasons, we can tune in to our own creative rhythms. Just as nature doesn’t force itself to grow during winter or rest in summer, we too can learn to embrace the ebb and flow of our energy. Some seasons may call for bold expression, while others invite quiet reflection. Trusting these cycles allows us to create art in a way that feels aligned, authentic, and connected to the earth’s natural wisdom.

By integrating the wisdom of the seasons into our creative practice, we cultivate a harmonious relationship with both the world around us and our inner artistic journey. Let the cycles of nature guide your art, and you’ll find that each season brings its own unique gifts to your creative process.

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Until next time, let your creativity bloom in unexpected ways.  ©️copyrightjoannefarleywebb

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